12/24 是今年英文查經班最後一次上課 (2014/1/14 恢復上課)

12/24 是今年英文查經班最後一次上課 (2014/1/14 恢復上課) 
我們特別在當晚準備不一樣的內容, 有聖誕影片,音樂, 機智問答...當然也為大家準備好吃的點心, 歡迎大家踴躍參加.
Have a wonderful day. 

Luke 1 exercise ( 2013/12/17 )


1.      amenity (n) 舒適設施 amenities

The hotel has every amenity you could want.


2.      clueless (a) 無線索的

They were clueless about what to do.


3.      conception (n) 觀念,概念

They have a clear conception of how the process works.


4.      concur (v) 意見相同,一致,互助

We concur that more money should be spent on education.


5.      curiosity (n) 好奇心,新奇的事物,珍品

Her natural curiosity led her to ask more questions.


6.      eternal (a) 永恆的,無窮的,不朽的

When will his eternal whining stop?


7.      instantaneous (a) 即時的,瞬間的,同時發生的

We got an almost instantaneous response from the company.


8.      initial (a) 最初的,開始的;詞首的首字母;姓名的開頭字母

My initial reaction was to decline the offer.


9.      panoramic (a) 全景的  panorama (n)

Most rooms enjoy panoramic views of the sea

There is a superb panorama of the mountains from the hotel.


10. ventilate (v) 使空氣流通,使通風,宣佈,公開

She opened the windows to ventilate the room.




Learning English through cartoons