世界末日 英文怎麼說 2011 05 12
世界末日=the end of the world=doomsday=armageddon=apocalyptic
Telephones calls from angry people have flooded into the office asking us to investigate 'Teacher Wang' for his absurd '511' doomsday prediction that has caused deep public anxiety, " said Sung Kung-liang, spokesman for the Nantou Prosecutors' Office in central Taiwan.(CNA)
中部南投檢察官辦公室發言人宋坤良(音譯)說," 憤怒的民眾紛紛打電話到辦公室,要求我們調查王老師,因為他荒唐的預告5月11日是世界末日,已引起民眾的焦慮恐慌"
Taiwan 'prophet' unfazed by apocalypse no-show (AFP) –
注: unfazed ==not worried or surprised by something unexpected that happens 處變不驚的;泰然自若的