新聞英語每日一句 2011 04 18


In a press release, the MOFA said that no matter from what perspective -- history, geography or international law -- the Nansha Islands (Spratly Islands), Shisha Islands (Paracel Islands), Chungsha Islands (Macclesfield Bank), and Tungsha Islands (Pratas Islands), as well as their surrounding waters and respective seabeds and subsoils, all consist of the inherent territory of the ROC

外交部發布新聞稿重申 ,無論從歷史地理或國際法的觀點,南沙西沙中沙群島以及附近水域的海床海底均為中華民國的固有疆域不容置疑.

添松編譯  資料來源- 中央社