新聞詞彙-" 人頭" 英文怎麼說?


陳致中說 ,我們只是媽媽的人頭 ,英文 "人頭"怎麼說 ?請看下列報導 (英文台北時報)

人頭= figurehead

Speaking to reporters yesterday, Chen Chih-chung proclaimed his innocence and said that he and his wife were only figureheads, while rebutting accusations that he was directly involved in handling the money

人頭帳戶=dummy accounts

Offering “dummy” accounts to a third party, Chu said, is illegal.

洗錢= money-laundering

Last Monday, prosecutors listed the former president and his wife, as well as Wu' s older brother Wu Ching-mao, Chen Chih-chung and Huang Jui-ching, as suspects in the alleged money-laundering case

  •   Micah 於 2022-11-12 00:22 1F
  • 比較常看到的是
    Ghost account

    另外人頭員工則是 Ghost employee