Luke 2:1-20 exercise (2014/3/11)

Luke 2:1-20 exercise (2014/3/11)

commitment (n) 委託,實行,承擔義務,贊助,承諾
We've got commitments from several charities to donate food and clothing.

demand (n) 要求,請求,查問
The workers said they would not end the strike until their demands were met.

foe (n) 仇敵,反對者,敵人
Her ability was acknowledged by friend and foe alike.

obscure (adj) 含糊的,晦澀的,偏僻的,不著名的(vt)使陰暗,隱藏,使含糊
The movie is full of obscure references that only pop culture enthusiasts will understand.
plasma (n) 血漿;乳漿;原形質,電漿,等離子體
Our new TV is a 50-inch plasma.

significance (n) 意義,含義;重要性,重大
The discovery has great significance to researchers.

draw attention to引起對…的注意
I was engaged in a legitimate and peaceful protest to draw attention to racial crimes.

business as usual一如往常,一切正常
We are back to business as usual.

9. scenic spot景點
What major scenic spots are here in the city of Taipei?

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