


 Revelation:5:11-14( 2011/6/14 )


梅華 編輯整理


1.      adore熱愛,愛慕(某人); 喜愛,熱愛(某事物)

 I simply adore his music! 我簡直太喜愛他的音樂了!



The painting is called ‘Adoration of the Infant Christ’. 這幅畫叫做朝拜耶穌聖嬰


2.      comprise包括;包含;由組成

The collection comprises 327 paintings. 這部畫冊收有 327 幅畫。


3.      sketch(n)素描;速寫;草圖; 幽默短劇;小品 (v) 畫素描;畫速寫; 概述;簡述

The artist is making sketches for his next painting. 畫家正為他的下一幅作品畫素描。


4.      solemn冷峻的;表情嚴肅的; 莊嚴的;嚴正的;鄭重的

Her face grew solemn. 她的臉顯得嚴肅起來。


5.      trinity in Christianity 基督教 the union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as one God三位一體(聖父、聖子及聖靈合為上帝)


Church Bulletin

Many believers don't see the importance of regular church attendance. Members of Church in Seattle received a special announcement in the mail, listing the many things that will be done for them at church on the following "no-excuse-to-stay-home-Sunday."
     According to the pastor, cots will be available for those who say Sunday is their only day to sleep in. Eye drops will be supplied for those who have red eyes from watching late Saturday night TV shows. There will be steel helmets for those who say the roof would cave in if they ever went to church, blankets for persons who think the church is too cold, fans for those who say it is too hot, scorecards for those wishing to list all the hypocrites present, TV dinners for those who can't go to church and also cook dinner. Finally, the sanctuary would be decorated with Christmas poinsettias and Easter lilies for those who have never seen the church without them.


孫梅華 編輯整理