Nehemiah 13:23-30 ( 2013/11/12 )作業


Nehemiah 13:23-30 ( 2013/11/12 )


1.      catastrophe (n) 大災難,大禍

Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe.

disaster (n) 災難,天災,災害

Thousands died in the disaster.

mishap (n) 不幸之事,災禍,惡運
I managed to get home without (further) mishap.

havoc (n) 嚴重破壞,浩劫,大混亂,騷亂

The floods caused havoc throughout the area.

suffering (n) 痛苦,苦難
Death finally brought an end to her suffering.  

2.      designate (v) 指定,指明,稱呼(a)選出而未上任的

This floor has been designated a no-smoking area.

3.      grudge (v) 怨恨,惡意,懷恨

I don't grudge her the opportunities she has been given.

4.      task (n) 任務,作業,困難的工作,程式單元(v)派給工作,使辛勞任務,工作

Our first task is to review the budget.

5.      take an oath 發誓,宣誓,立誓


same-sex marriage 同性婚姻/多元家庭

Religious groups yesterday held a press conference to express their opposition to legalizing same-sex marriage and their determination to guard traditional values.

Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) yesterday expressed “respect” and “support” for multi-dimensional gender identity, but said he has reservations about a proposed bill to legalize same-sex marriage



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