Nehemiah 12:1-26 ( 2013/10/8 )

Dear All, Please see the attached exercise 10/8 . Wish you a wonderful weekend. 南海英文查經班  Nehemiah 12:1-26 ( 2013/10/8 ) 1. annals (n) 紀年表,年鑒,年報 His name will go down in the annals. 2. clergy (n)神職人員 Local clergy have been invited to participate in an interfaith service. 3. innovation (n) 改革,創新 She is responsible for many innovations in her field. 4. prescribe (v) 規定,命令,指示,囑咐,開處方 This drug should not be prescribed to children. 5. prescription (n) 處方,藥方;指示,規定;時效,根據時效取得的權利 The drug is only sold with a prescription. 6. pioneer (n) 先鋒,拓荒者,開辟者(v)提倡,開辟,作先驅(a)最早的,開拓的,先驅的 He was a pioneer in the use of X-rays. 7. pivotal (a) 樞軸的,關鍵的 She is at a pivotal point in her career. 8. succeed (v) 成功;繼續,繼承,繼…之後,接著…發生 You can succeed where others failed. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以類聚 You can judge a man by the company he keeps. Learning English through cartoons