尼希米Nehemiah 3:13-21( 2013/4/30 )


Nehemiah 3:13-21( 2013/4/30 ) (梅華 編輯)


1.      artificial (a) 人工的,人造的;矯揉造作的,不自然的

This product contains no artificial colors natural substances are used.

2.      armory (n) 紋章,軍械庫,兵工廠

The armories were important in the World War II..

3.      ascent (n) 上升,上坡,坡度,攀登;上溯,追溯

They followed a steep ascent to the top of the hill.

4.      experiment (n) 實驗,試驗(v)進行實驗,做試驗

They did some experiments with magnets.

5.      hinge (n) 鉸鏈,關鍵,樞紐(v)裝鉸鏈,靠鉸鏈移動,而轉移

6.      passionate (a) 熱情的,熱烈的,易怒的

He gave a passionate speech on tax reform.

7.      slot (n) 水溝,細長的孔,硬幣投幣口,,狹槽,狹通道,位置,足跡

Her ideas slot neatly into the theory.

8.      theoretically (adv) 理論上,理論地

Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity

9.      wordsmith (n) 語言專家; 極豐富的人 以寫作為生的人

10. zealously (adv)熱心地 zealous (a)

The detective was zealous in her pursuit of the kidnappers.



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