Nehemiah 9:22-28( 2013/8/13 )

Please see the attached exercise 8/13. Have a nice weekend. 南海英文查經班 Nehemiah 9:22-28( 2013/8/13 ) 1. admonish (v) 勸告,告誡,訓誡,提醒,責備 She was admonished for chewing gum in class. 2. allot (v) 分配,分攤指定 I completed the test within the time allotted. 3. corporate (a) 組織,聯合,公司,企業 We have to change the corporate structure to survive. 4. exhort (v) 勸誡,忠告 The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government. 5. frontier (n) 邊境; 邊緣, 末梢,尚待開發的領域, They were sent on an expedition to explore the western frontier. 6. fertile (a) 肥沃的,富饒的;豐富的;能繁殖的,可生育的 He has a fertile mind. 7. fortify (v) 加強,使堅強,築防禦工事 They fortified the area against attack. 8. grove (n) 小樹林 olive grove 橄欖園 9. oppress (v) 壓迫,壓抑 The gloomy atmosphere in the office oppressed her. 10. remote (a) 遙遠的,僻遠的;細微的,稀少的,漠然的 The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings. Learning English through cartoons