尼希米作業解說Nehemiah 3:1-12( 2013/4/23 )

Nehemiah 3:1-12( 2013/4/23 )( 梅華 編輯)


1.      adjoining (a) 鄰接的,隔壁的

Flames burned out two adjoining houses.

2.      beams (n) 光線,光束,() (v)發射,發光,用樑支撐

We saw the beams from their flashlights.

3.      bolt (n) 門閂,螺釘,篩子,閃電(v)閂住,發射,脫口而出,

The bolt slotted smoothly into place.

4.      coordinator (n) 協調者,同等的人或物

The campaign needs an effective coordinator.

5.      dedicate (v) 奉獻,獻身於,致力於,題獻給

The new park was dedicated today.

6.      fellow (n) ,夥伴,同事;對等者(a)同伴的,同事的

She's found herself a new fellow.

7.      district (n) 區域,地方

Six police officers are in charge of the district.

8.      perfume (n) 香水,香氣(v)灑香水於,薰香

She smelled the different perfumes at the store.

9.      repair (v) 修理,修補,補救,恢復,補償

She turned the chair on its side to repair it.

10. section (n) 部分,章節,地段;斷面,剖面;部門,(v)分成

This section of the road is closed.

11. goldsmith (n) 金工,金首飾商

blacksmith鐵匠  locksmith 鎖匠,鎖店 silversmith 銀器匠


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