南海路英文查經班作業Revelation:12:13-17 (2011/9/20)


 Revelation:12:13-17 ( 2011/9/20 )


1.      conflict(v) 衝突,爭執,抵觸

I don't see any conflicts between the theories.


2.      demonic(a) 惡魔的,有魔力的

The villain in the movie cackled with demonic laughter.


3.      enrage(v) 激怒,使暴怒

People were enraged by the decision.


4.      occur (v) 發生,想到,存在

The event is scheduled to occur at noon tomorrow.


5.      phenomena(n)現象

phenomenon (複數)

He finally found out the method for applying his theory to phenomena.


6.      pursue(v) 追趕,追捕,追求,實行,繼續,從事

He chose to pursue a college degree.


7.      spew(v) 嘔吐,噴湧

The volcano spewed hot ash.


8.      swallow(v) 吞沒,忍受,吞下,咽下

Her story is pretty hard to swallow.


9.      thematic(a) 題目的,主題的,主旋律的

He has a series of thematic commemorative stamps.

10. torrent (n) 奔流,傾盆大雨,傾注

The river was a torrent after the storm.


11. unveil(v) 揭開,揭幕,除去的面紗,顯露

The company will unveil its newest product today.


Church Bulletin

If absence makes the heart grow fonder, how some folks must love the Church!


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