南海英文查經班作業Revelation:9:12-21 (2011/8/9)


Revelation:9:12-21 ( 2011/8/9 )

1.      antidote解毒劑

There is no antidote to/for this poison.

2.      banish放逐;驅逐

The dictator banished anyone who opposed him.

3.      inflict施以,加害

These insects are capable of inflicting a painful sting.

4.      immorality不道德;無道義;惡行

It was immoral of her to tell lies like that.

5.      mount (vi.)乘馬,爬上,增長

The pressure mounted as the crisis continued.

6.      parallel平行,對比,相匹敵之物

The row of trees is parallel with the road.

7.      sulfur硫磺

chemistry : a yellow chemical element that

has a strong, unpleasant odor when it is

burned and that is used in making

 paper, gunpowder, medicine, etc.

8.      troop,,多數,軍隊

Where is his troop heading?

9.      theft盜竊,盜竊罪,贓物

He was found guilty of theft.

10. tsunami海嘯

a very high, large wave in the ocean that is

 usually caused by an earthquake under

 the sea and that can cause great

destruction when it reaches land

11. magic arts   dark magic   black magic  

witch craft    voodoo巫術


Church Bulletin

If something is worth worrying about, it's

worth praying about.

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