Nehemiah 13:12-22 ( 2013/11/5 )

Dear All,
Please see the attached exercise 11/5. 
Have a good day.

Nehemiah 13:12-22 ( 2013/11/5 )


1.      calamity (n)災難,不幸事件

His financial help saved the magazine from total calamity.


2.      negligence (n) 疏忽,粗心大意,

The accident was caused by negligence on the part of the driver.


3.      outcast (a) 被逐出的,被遺棄的,無家可歸的

People with the disease were often treated as social outcasts.


4.      station (n) 車站,駐地,位置,身分,地位 (v)安置,配置,駐紮

She was definitely getting ideas above her station.


5.      according to 根據,按照,而定

According to Mick, it's a great movie.


6.      blot out 擦掉,抹掉,塗掉,遮住,使模糊;消滅

She just wanted to sleep and blot out the terrifying events of the day.


7.      stirring up

If I ever find out who did this, I'll string them up.   



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