

 英文怎麼說(2011 07 03)

口訣=pithy formula;

pithy   /ˈpɪθi/ DJ    
/'pɪθɪ/ KK
  • of a comment, piece of writing, etc. 說話或文章等 short
  • but expressed well and full of meaning 言簡意賅的;精煉的


1. 確保學生水域活動安全,教育部昨天(28)公布「救溺五步、防溺十招」的口訣,希望讓學生學會基本的自救與求救方法,同時也行文各級學校,請高中職以下學校在暑假前,利用家庭聯絡簿加強宣導,希望減少學生溺水事件的發生。
To ensure students’ safety when they take part in activities

 nearby water, Ministry of Education announces a pithy

 formula- five steps for saving drowning sufferers and

 ten skills for drowning prevention. To avoid

drowning accidents, the ministry hopes to let students realize basic

 methods of saving themselves and calling for help. Besides, it also

issues letters to each school under senior high school and

vocational school to extend the promotion to parents

through contact books.

