甄選簡章 英文怎麼說


甄選簡章  英文怎麼說(2011 07 03)

Prospectus =簡章,=

a book or printed document that gives information about a school,
college, etc. in order to advertise it (學校的)簡章,簡介
a document that gives information about a company's shares
before they are offered for sale (企業的)招股章程, 募股章程


Prospectus  for the joint selection of full-time coaches of

different sports in Taipei is available from today. This

 year there are 25 vacancies for 16 different

 sports. Registration can be made

at Shi-Pai Junior High School and the exams

will be in two phases. The preliminary test

will be held on 12 July. Trail teaching and

oral exam will be held on 23 July. The result

will be announced on 26 July

