高架橋 英文怎麼說


高架橋  英文怎麼說(2011 06 14)

高架橋=viaduct=A long bridgelike structure, typically a series

 of arches, carrying a road or railroad across a valley or other

low ground


Taipei, June 14 (CNA) The Yunlin County government said Tuesday

 that it would not allow any new wells to be dug in areas of the

 south-central county near the high-speed railway's viaducts

 as land subsidence was threatening the safety of the structures




  • a long high bridge, usually with arches, that carries a road or
  •  railway/railroad
  •  across a river or valley 高架橋(通常有孔,橫跨河道或山谷連通公路或鐵路)