Nehemiah 10:32-39 ( 2013/9/3 )

Please see the attached exercise 9/3.
Wish you a wonderful weekend.


Nehemiah 10:32-39 ( 2013/9/3 )


1.      aardvark (n)食蟻獸

an animal from southern Africa that has a long nose and tongue and that eats insects


2.      atonement (n) 贖回,償還,彌補

He sent her some flowers in atonement for his earlier rudeness.


3.      bestowment(n) 施捨 bestow (v) 授予,適用,放置,籌算

The university bestowed on her an honorary degree.


4.      contribution (n) 貢獻,捐獻;促進,助長

All contributions will be gratefully received.


5.      determine (v) 決定,決心;確定,限定

It was determined that she had died of natural causes.


6.      legalistic (a) 尊重法律的

There was a man who was giving his testimony in a legalistic church.


7.      recruit (v) 新兵,新會員,補給品,使恢復,補充,征募新兵

They recruited several new members to the club.


8.      regulate (v) 有系統的管理,規定,調節,調整

We need better laws to regulate the content of the Internet.


9.      toil (v) ,苦工,羅網,圈套,跋涉

Hundreds of men toiled for years at building the pyramid.



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