南海英文查經班 Nehemiah 9:38-10:31( 2013/8/27 )

Dear All, Please see the attached exercise 8/27. Wish you have a good day. 南海英文查經班 Nehemiah 9:38-10:31( 2013/8/27 ) 1. affiliate(v) 接納,使附屬;交往,與…有關 Their group does not affiliate itself with any political party. 2. affix (v) 使附於,署名,粘貼 The label should be firmly affixed to the package. 3. enlist (v) 征募,參與,謀取,從軍 They're enlisting volunteers for an experiment. 4. forgo(v) 摒絕,放棄 She is planning to forgo her right to a trial and simply plead guilty. 5. marital (a) 丈夫的,婚姻的,夫婦間的 They've been having marital problems. 6. oath (n) 誓言,宣誓,詛咒 He uttered an oath and walked away. 7. seal (n) 印章,封條,海豹,封蠟,圖章,保証,標誌,焊接(v)封閉 Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken. stamp (n)印,郵票,列印器,戳子,圖章,印花,標誌,跺腳((v)蓋章於,頓足 chop (n)厚肉片,排骨,砍,交換,戳記,商標((v)剁碎,砍,切,割斷 emblem (n) 象徵,徽章 The flag is the emblem of our nation. 8. physically challenged . Having a physical disability or impairment, especially one that limits mobility.. n. (used with a pl. verb) People who have physical disabilities or impairments considered as a group. . Mentally challenged is a euphemism(委婉說法) for mentally retarded(智力遲鈍的, 弱智的), or having a low IQ or mental disabilities this means that someone who would be mentally challenged wouldn't do as well as their classmates. Learning English through cartoons