Nehemiah 4:13-23( 2013/5/21 )


Nehemiah 4:13-23( 2013/5/21 )---梅華編輯


1.      attempt (v) 努力,試圖,企圖,嘗試

She attempted suicide early in their marriage.


2.      equip (v) 配備

Those students are not equipped for the challenges of college.


3.      extensive (a) 廣泛的,多方面的

The storm caused extensive damage.


4.      foil (v)襯托,阻止,擋開,挫敗,貼箔於

The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold foil.

Only confident, people will never foil


5.      frustrate (v) 挫敗,擊敗,破壞

It frustrated him to miss so many games because of injuries.


6.      provision (n) 預備,准備,糧食,食物,供應,規定

I carried my provisions in one large backpack.


7.      station (v) 安置,配置,駐紮(n)車站,駐地,位置,身分,地位

A photographer had been stationed at the main entrance.


8.      spread out散開,鋪開,展開

Do you have to spread yourself out all over the sofa?


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