南海英文查經班作業Revelation:15:1-8 (2011/11/1)


Revelation:15:1-8 ( 2011/11/1 )


1.      deed (n) (v)行為,實行,契約

They taught their children to be kind and to do good deeds


2.      marvelous(a)令人驚異的,了不起的,不平常的 marvel (v)驚異於

The weather was simply marvelous


3.      plague(n)瘟疫,麻煩,災禍  (v)折磨,使苦惱,使得災禍

The country was hit by a plague of natural disasters that year.


4.      reveal (v) 露出,顯示,透露,揭露

She would not reveal the secret.


5.      righteous (a) 公正的,正義的,正直的

A righteous man can be trusted to act honorably regardless of the circumstances


6.      sash (n) 飾带肩带腰带窗框

She girded her waist with a sash.


7.      tabernacle (n) 臨時房屋,帳篷,身體,禮拜堂,神龕,壁龕(v)使住於臨時房屋

cathedral  chapel   church    gospel hull   temple

mosque   shrine

8.      victorious (a) 勝利的

They were victorious over their enemies.


9.      lean and mean 至精至簡


(孫梅華 整理編輯)


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