南海英文查經班作業Revelation:14:6-13 (2011/10/18




Revelation:14:6-13 ( 2011/10/18 )


1.      adultery (n) 通姦

She accused her husband of adultery


2.      aptly (adv) 適當地,適宜地

Stripe” is an apt name for the cat, since she has striped fur.


3.      emerge (v) 浮現,形成,(由某種狀態)脫出,(事實)顯現出來

Several possible candidates have emerged.


4.      essence (n) 本質,實質,精華,精髓

The essence of love is unselfishness.


5.      eternal (a) 永恆的,無窮的,不朽的

When will his eternal whining stop?


6.      fury (n) 憤怒,狂暴,狂怒的人 

I could see the fury in her eyes.

wrath (n) 憤怒,激怒,猛烈的力量

waited until my initial wrath had eased before voicing my complaint


7.      madden (v) 使發狂,激怒,發怒

the endless swarms of mosquitoes all but maddened the explorers


8.      sulfur (n) 硫磺

Sulfur can be used to make gunpowder.


9.      torment (v) 苦痛,拷問,使苦惱,攪動,歪曲

No one could understand his inner torment.


10. call for 喊著要某人過來,呼喚,;要求,需要,號召


11. put up with 忍受,忍耐

I can’t put up with your untidiness any more.


Church Bulletin

Today's Sermon: HOW MUCH CAN A MAN DRINK? with hymns from a full choir.


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