南海英文查經班作業Revelation:13:11-18 (2011/10/4)


南海英文查經班作業Revelation:13:11-18 (2011/10/4)

Revelation:13:11-18 ( 2011/10/4 )


1.      calculate (v) 計算;計劃,打算

calculation (n) 計算,考慮,計算的結果

We need to calculate our chances of success before we invest more money in the business.

The computer can do millions of calculations each second.


2.      discern (v) 辨別,看清楚

The reasons behind this sudden change are difficult to discern.


3.      disguise (v) 偽裝,化裝,假裝;幌子;藉口,托辭

She disguised herself in a wig and glasses.


4.      deceive(v) 欺騙,哄騙,行騙  deception (n) 欺騙,詭計

He was accused of deceiving the customer about the condition of the car.


cheat (v) 欺騙,作弊,騙子(vt.)(vi.)欺騙,逃脫,騙取

The store cheats its customers through false advertising.


5.      insight (n) 洞察力,見識

He is a leader of great insight.


6.      miraculous (a) 奇蹟的,不可思議

He made a miraculous recovery after the accident.


7.      perform (v) 履行,執行,完成,;表演,演出

The band will perform songs from their new album.


8.      blend in 融合,和諧

She blends psychology and crime in her new novel.


9.      in honor of  為向表示敬意,為慶祝為紀念


10. call for 喊著要某人過來,呼喚,去請,去接,去取;要求,需要,號召

I'll call for you after dinner


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