南海路英文查經班作業 Revelation:11:15-19 (2011/8/30)


 Revelation:11:15-19 ( 2011/8/30 )


1. shorthand (n.; a.) 速記法; 速記的

I have to translate these shorthand notes into longhand.


2. herald (n.) (舊時君主的)傳令官; 報信者, 使者;先驅, 預報者

In England the cuckoo is the herald of Spring.


3. reign (vi.) 君臨; 統治; 盛行, 佔優勢

Silence reigned everywhere.


4. wrath (n.) 憤怒, 狂怒;(自然現象等的)嚴酷

The wrath of summer's heat has enveloped the valley.


5. destroy (v.) 毀壞, 破壞; 打破(希望, 計劃); 使失敗

What he said destroyed our last hope.


6. hailstorm (n.) 雹暴;雹暴般的降臨

People went to the field and saw the crops were damaged by the hailstorm.


7. event (n.) 事件, 大事

Winning the scholarship was a great event in the boy's life.


8. chorale (n.) 讚美詩, 聖歌;聖歌合唱團

A hymn, especially one with strong harmonization: a Bach chorale; a group of singers specializing in singing church music; choir.


9. literally (adv.) 逐字地, 照字面地; 正確地

All round Europe illegal immigrants are, literally, dying to get in.


10. struggle (vt.)奮鬥; 鬥爭

She struggled to keep back the tears.


Church Bulletin

You are not too bad to come in. You are not too good to stay out.


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