南海路英文查經班作業Revelation:11:1-14 (2011/8/23)


南海路英文查經班作業Revelation:11:1-14 (2011/8/23)


Revelation:11:1-14 ( 2011/8/23 )

1.      bestow (v) 授予,適用,使用,放置,留宿

The university bestowed on her an honorary degree.


2.      collapse(vi.)倒塌,崩潰,瓦解

She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa.


3.      crimson(a.)深紅色的

4.      devour(vt.)吞食,揮霍,吞沒

He devoured everything on his plate.


5.      dictate(vt.)口述,口授,使聽寫

She's dictating a letter to her secretary


6.      figuratively(ad.)比喻地

The phrase “know your ropes” means literally “to know a lot about

ropes,” while its figurative meaning is “to know a lot about how to do something.”


7.      gloat(vi.)滿足地看,貪婪的盯視,幸災樂禍

After such a tough campaign, they're gloating over their victory in the election.


8.      plunge(vi.)投入,跳進,陷入

Her car plunged off a bridge.


9.      relentless(a.)無情的,冷酷的,殘酷的

The hunter was relentless in pursuit of his prey.


10. survivor生還者,殘存者

Many businesses are struggling to survive in today's economy.


Church Bulletin

The Senior Choir invites any member of the congregation

who enjoys sinning to join the choir.


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