南海路英文查經班作業 Revelation:8:6-13 (2011/7/26)


 南海路英文查經班作業 Revelation:8:6-13 (2011/7/26


1.      collision碰撞(或相撞)事故

His car was in collision with a motorbike. 他的車和一輛摩托車撞上了。


2.      documentary a film or a radio or television programme giving facts about something 紀錄影片;紀實廣播(或電視)節目


3.      excruciate使苦惱;施酷刑於

She has long been excruciated by a persistent pain in her knee.


4.      inhabitant某地的)居民,棲息動物

The inhabitants of the town don't like the tourists


5.      midair半空中

We watched birds catching insects in midair.


6.      bull’s eye靶心;直接命中; 事物的關鍵,中心要點

Only one bullet hit the bull's-eye. 只有一顆子彈擊中靶心。

   hawk eye鷹眼    bird’s eye view鳥瞰圖; 概述,略述


7.      rain  cloud  snow  frost  fog/ mist 

   dew  haze   hail      sleet


Church Bulletin

I received the following in an email:
I was ty ping the prayer sheet for

church one Sunday. For my

father-in-law, I put "In the

hospital, pray for healing,

 for pneumonia and anemia.

When I did the spell checker,

 it was changed to "pray

 for healing, for

 pneumonia and enema."


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