南海路英文查經班作業 Revelation:8:1-5(2011/7/19)



 Revelation:8:1-5(2011/7/19) Revelation:8:1-5( 2011/7/19 )


1.      acronym a word formed from the first

letters of the words that make up the name

of something, for example ‘Aids’ is

 an acronym for ‘acquired immune

 deficiency syndrome’ 首字母縮略詞(如

 Aids 係由 acquired immune deficiency

 syndrome 的首字母組成)


2.      amusement娛樂;樂趣

Her eyes twinkled with amusement.


3.      appropriate合適的;恰當的

The book was written in a style appropriate

 to the age of the children.



4.      censer香爐

censor (v)刪剪(書籍、電影等中被認為犯忌、違反道德或政治上危險的內容)

The news reports had been heavily censored. 這些新聞報道已被大肆刪剪。

sensor a device that can react to light,

heat, pressure, etc. in order to make a

machine, etc. do something or show something (探測光、熱、壓力等的)傳感器,敏感元件,探測設備


5.      hurl猛扔;猛投;猛摔

He hurled a brick through the window. 他往窗戶裏扔了塊磚。


6.      opposite對面的;另一邊的

Answers are given on the opposite page. 答案在背面一頁上。


7.      snore打呼  sneeze打噴嚏  hiccup打嗝


Church Bulletin

The secret of a good sermon is to have a

good beginning and a good ending; and to

 have the two as close together as possible. 


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