南海路英文查經班 作業


南海路英文查經班 作業(2011 06 21)

Revelation:6:1-11( 2011/6/21 )

1.      conqueror征服者;佔領者;勝利者

conquest佔領(或征服)的地區; 被俘虜的人

I'm just one of his many conquests. 我僅僅是他的眾多俘虜之一。


2.      famine a lack of food during a long period of time in a region饑荒

The famine affected half the continent


3.      inhabitant(某地的)居民,棲息動物

You cannot be absolutely dumb when you live with a person unless you are an inhabitant of the North of England or the State of Maine .


4.      martyrdom殉難;殉道

martyr殉道者;烈士; 長期受苦者

She's a martyr to her nerves. 她長期忍受神經緊張之苦。


5.      plague造成長時間的痛苦(或麻煩);困擾;折磨;使受煎熬

Financial problems are plaguing the company. 財政問題使這家公司焦頭爛額。


6.      purity純潔;純淨;純粹

The purity of the water is tested regularly. 水的純度定期檢測。


7.      represent代表

The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries. 這次比賽吸引了代表 8 個不同國家的 500 多名參賽者。


8.      stallion

a fully grown male horse, especially one that is used for breeding 牡馬;(尤指)種馬


Church Bulletin

Somebody once figured out that we have 35 million laws trying to enforce 10 commandments.