英文查經班作業2011 05 03


英文查經班作業2011 05 03 (梅華 整理編輯)

Revelation: 2:18-28( 2011/5/3 )


1.      cast投以(視線、笑容等); 扔;擲;拋

The priceless treasures had been cast into the river. 價值連城的珍寶被扔進了河裡。


2.      dash猛衝;突進;急奔; 破折號; 短跑

He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar. 他跳下公共汽車直奔近處的酒吧。


3.      impose推行,採用(規章制度);強制實行; 迫使;把強加於

She didn't want to impose her values on her family. 她並不想勉強家人接受自己的價值觀。


4.      perseverance毅力;韌性;不屈不撓的精神

They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty. 他們面對困難表現了堅強的毅力。


5.      pottery陶器(尤指手工製的) 

porcelain; china瓷器


6.      scepter An ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty(象徵王權的)節杖,權杖


7.      symbolic作為象徵的;象徵性的

The dove is symbolic of peace. 鴿子是和平的象徵。


Church Bulletin

Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble slee ping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack's sermons.


Tongue Twister

The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

