Dear All,
Please see the attached exercise 11/19
Have a peaceful weekend.

Luke: introducation  ( 2013/11/19 )


1.      agenda (n) 議程;禮儀;通告

What's the first item on the agenda?


2.      anonymous (a) 匿名,作者不詳的,無名的

The donor wishes to remain anonymous.


3.      aristocrat (n) 貴族

Her father was an English aristocrat.


4.      deity (n) ,神性

Many animals were seen as the manifestation of a deity.


5.      equivalent (a) 同等物,等價物,相當的,同意義的

Those less-known companies manufacture equivalent products at cheaper prices.


6.      inauguration (n) 就職典禮

The inauguration ceremony for the new building will be held this morning.


7.      serendipity(n) 意外收獲,意外發現的東西

They found each other by pure serendipity.


8.      synoptic (a) 概要的,齊觀, 對觀福音書的

The programme gives a brief synopsis of the plot.




Learning English through cartoons