exercise 12/3.

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Have a  nice weekend.

1.      coup (n) 砰然的一擊,妙計,出乎意料的行動,政變

He seized power in a military coup in 2008.


2.      disgrace (n) 恥辱,不名譽 (v)使恥辱,使失體面

He felt he had disgraced himself by failing at school.


3.      fling (v) 投擲,急沖,嘲弄,揮動,掃視

He flung his shoe across the room.


4.      proper (a) 適合的,適當的,恰當的;合乎體統的;特有的;固有的,本來的

The children need to learn proper behavior.


5.      remain (v) 逗留,留待;剩餘,遺留;繼續存在

Only two minutes still remain in the game.


6.      seclusion (n) 隔離,孤立,隱退

I enjoyed the seclusion of the island.


7.      thrive (v) 繁榮,興旺,茁壯成長

New businesses thrive in this area.


8.      vision (n) 視覺,先見之明,眼光,視力,幻想

She had a clear vision of what she wanted to do.





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