Please see the attached exercise 11/26.

Please see the attached exercise 11/26
Have a  good day..

Luke 1: 1-17  ( 2013/11/26 )


1.      barren (a) 不能生育、土壤貧瘠

Few creatures can thrive on these barren mountaintops


2.      blamelessly (adv) 無可責難 blameless(a)

None of us is entirely blameless in this matter.


3.      delight (a) 歡愉

We watched the fireworks with delight.


4.      descendant (n) 傳下的,下降的

Many of them are descendants of the original settlers


5.      fermented (a) 發酵的

Yeast ferments the sugar in the juice


6.      grip (v) 抓緊,抱住,吸住,掌握,支配

The story really grips the reader.


7.      manifestation (n) 顯示,証明,示威運動

Some manifestation of your concern would have been appreciated.


8.      startle (v) 驚愕,驚恐

The explosion startled the horse.


9.      upright (a)垂直的,直立的;正直的,誠實的

The container should be kept upright to prevent leaks.


10. undertake (v) 從事,保証,承擔,同意,接受

University professors both teach and undertake research.



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