Nehemiah 8:1-9 ( 2013/7/16 )作業


Nehemiah 8:1-9 ( 2013/7/16 )


1.      daybreak (n) 黎明,拂曉

We left before daybreak.


2.      occasion (n) 場合,機會,誘因,理由

She wrote a song especially for the occasion.


3.      platform (n) 平臺,講台,月臺;政綱,黨綱

Our train is boarding on platform 6.


4.      reunion (n) 重聚,重新結合,統一

He dreamed of a reunion with his son.


5.      sacred (a) 神聖的,上帝的,莊嚴的,祭祀的

We have a sacred duty to find out the truth.


6.      scribe (n) 書記,抄寫員,作者,作家,劃線器

a person who made copies of written documents before printing was invented


7.      square (n) 平方 正方形 廣場

The fabric is decorated with circles and squares.


8.      once a year 一年一次

once every two years/once every other year 兩年一次

once every three years/once every third year 三年一次


Annual - 1 year   Biennial - 2 years  Triennial - 3 years  Quadrennial - 4 years 

Quinquennial - 5 years  Sexennial - 6 years  Septennial - 7 years  Octennial - 8 years
Novennial - 9 years  Decennial - 10 years 


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