Nehemiah 7:4-61 ( 2013/7/2 )作業

Dear All,
Please see the attached exercise 7/ 9 .
Have a good day.   

Nehemiah 7:4-61 ( 2013/7/2 )


1.      contribute (v) 有助於,捐助,投稿

In order for the team to win, everyone has to contribute.


2.      inventory (n) 詳細目錄,存貨清單,存貨

The dealer keeps a large inventory of used cars and trucks.


3.      legal (a) 法律的,合法的,法定的,正當的

The amount of alcohol in his blood exceeded the legal limit.


4.      memorabilia (n) 大事記

The museum contains glass cases of revolutionary memorabilia


5.      origin (n) 起源,起因,根源;出身,血統

Her ethnic origins are French.


6.      relative (n) 親屬,親戚

He inherited a small piece of land from a distant relative.


7.      reveal (v) 露出,顯示,透露,揭露,泄露

The expression on his face revealed how he felt.


8.      keep a diary

Do you keep a diary(= write one regularly)?


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