尼希米Nehemiah 2:11-20( 2013/4/16 )


Nehemiah 2:11-20( 2013/4/16 )




1.      claim (v) 要求,認領;主張,索賠;聲稱

You should claim compensation for the hours you worked.

2.      disgrace (v) 恥辱,不名譽,使失體面

He felt he had disgraced himself by failing at school.

3.      historic (a) 歷史上著名的,有歷史性的

The court made a historic decision last week.

4.      jackal (n) 狐狼,幫凶,走狗(v)當走狗

The jackal is a wild animal in Africa and Asia .

5.      inspect (v) 檢查,檢驗;檢閱(vi.)檢查

After the storm, we went outside to inspect the damage.

6.      mock (n) 嘲笑,戲弄,模仿(a)假的,偽造的,模擬的(adv)虛偽地(v)嘲弄,模仿,輕視

They continue to mock the idea of a new government.

7.      rally (v) 重振旗鼓,集合,示威運動,價格回穩

Supporters held a rally for the candidate.

8.      ridicule (n) 嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄(v)嘲笑,嘲弄,愚弄

She didn't show anyone her artwork for fear of ridicule.

9.      wreckage (n) 失事,破壞,破滅

They cleared the wreckage from the track.

10. take for granted 想當然認為

Don't take it for granted before you do anything.


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