南海路英文查經班作業 Revelation:7:1-8(2011/7/5)


Revelation:7:1-8( 2011/7/5 )

1.      aquarium水族館

The red sea is the world's most accessible tropical marine aquarium.


2.      avenge報(某事)之仇;向(某人)報仇

He promised to avenge his father's murder. 他發誓要報殺父之仇。

revenge 報復;報仇

The team wanted to get revenge for their defeat earlier in the season.

球隊想要為這個賽季早先的失敗雪恥。  vengeance報復;報仇


3.      constantly始終;一直;重複不斷地

Fashion is constantly changing. 時尚總是日新月異。


4.      divine coming from or connected with God or a god 天賜的;上帝的;神的


5.      ease容易;輕易;不費勁

He passed the exam with ease. 他輕而易舉地通過了考試。


6.      hurricane(尤指西大西洋的)颶風

Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida . 颶風貝蒂正在逼近佛羅里達海岸。

tornado龍捲風;旋風  typhoon颱風   cyclone氣旋;旋風   twister旋風;龍捲風


7.      prevent阻止;阻礙;阻撓

The accident could have been prevented. 這次事故本來是可以防止的。


8.      unhappiness不快;痛苦  upset難過;不高興 anger怒火;怒氣

rage暴怒;狂怒 wrath盛怒;震怒 fury狂怒;暴怒;大發雷霆


Church Bulletin

"Somebody has well said that there are only two kinds of people in the world - there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord," and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord, it's morning."


(孫梅華 整理編輯)