Nehemiah 7:4-61 ( 2013/7/2 ) 作業


Nehemiah 7:4-61 ( 2013/7/2 )


1.      assemble (v) 集合;裝配

Their father helped them assemble their new bicycles in the garage.


2.      descendant (n) 後裔,傳下來的東西(a)傳下的,下降

Many people in this area are descendants of German immigrants.


3.      exile (n) 放逐,流放,被放逐者

They hoped that his exile would be temporary.


4.      genealogy (n) 系譜,宗譜,家系 

genealogical (a) 宗譜的,家系的,系譜的

They've been researching their genealogies.


pedigree 血統,家譜

lineage 血統

That horse has an impressive pedigree.


5.      integrate (v) 綜合,使結合,使成整體

The car's design successfully integrates art and technology.


6.      spacious (a) 廣大的,大規模的

The hotel rooms are spacious and comfortable.



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