

1.      accountable (a) 負有責任的,可以說明的,能夠解釋的

If anything goes wrong I will hold you personally accountable!


2.      completion (n) 完成,完結,結束,完美;完全,完整

He will receive his degree upon completion of his studies.


3.      gatekeeper (n) 看門人

His secretary acts as a gatekeeper, reading all mail before it reaches her boss.


4.      integrity (n) 正直,廉正,完整

We must respect each other's territorial integrity.


5.      overturn (v) 傾覆,破滅,推翻

The truck went off the road and overturned several times.


6.      self-confidence (n) 自信

He constantly tried to undermine her self-confidence.


7.      tactic (n) 戰略,策略

We may need to change tactics.


8.      ballroom dancing 國標舞

a type of dancing done with a partner and using particular fixed steps and movements to particular types of music such as the waltz



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